Group and team coaching services

Coaching de equipos y liderazgo consciente

Coaching de equipos

Is leading teams easy? Ha, I wish. Thankfully, team coaching exists to develop conscious and (a little more) resilient leadership that truly inspires your people and builds diverse and inclusive teams as they should be.

What can I offer you? Real and useful strategies so you can lead with empathy, improve that awkward communication (yes, we’re talking about you), and build an authentic team spirit within your organization. No empty motivational speeches; here we work with personalized sessions and workshops that get straight to the point.

🔹 Leadership with empathy and diversity, because we’re not in the 80s anymore.

🔹 Resilient and inclusive teams with a sense of belonging (yes, that exists).

🔹 How to manage conflicts without ending up shouting "enough already!"

🔹 Dynamics that promote respect and inclusion—exactly what every team should be.

🔹 Sustainable leadership, because burning out your team means nothing will work.

Does this sound good? This doesn’t just increase cohesion and productivity; it also improves the work environment, making it more human and innovative. And, by the way, it prepares you for global challenges (there are plenty of those). 🚀

Expat workshops

Expat solitario viajando

¿Alguna vez has oído hablar del duelo migrante

Aunque te pueda parecer una exageración, dejar tu país, tu ciudad, tu familia y amigos, y tu trabajo (aunque lo odiaras de vez en cuando) puede resultar abrumador. El desarriago tiene importantes consecuencias para salud física y mental. El Taller para Expatriados te acompaña durante tu proceso de adaptación, porque nadie debería sobrevivir este lío solo/a.

What will we do here? During 8 weeks of group sessions on Zoom (because shared drama lasts less), we’ll learn real strategies to handle cultural shocks, that annoying feeling of isolation, and strengthen your well-being in a safe space. Here, no one asks you to "adapt while crying in private."

🔹 Groups of 5-10 people.

🔹 1.5-hour sessions designed to share, learn, and not get more lost than you already are.

🔹 Practical workbooks, because talking is not enough; you need to take action.

If you're feeling lost during this transition or simply want to share your experience with people who understand, this program will help you find stability, connection, and well-being in your new life. 🌍✨

Self-esteem, motivation and resilience workshops

Group coaching

The workshop for everyone who feels like their self-esteem is stuck in a perpetual “loading…” Here, we help you strengthen your confidence, overcome emotional blocks, and regain your motivation so you can finally move forward.

Durante 8 semanas, trabajaremos en tu crecimiento personal con sesiones grupales en Zoom (grupos pequeños, 5-10 personas). Con dinámicas prácticas, aprenderás a gestionar tus emociones, reforzar tu resiliencia y desarrollarte con una mentalidad más positiva y (por qué no) segura.

🔹 Small groups so no one gets lost in the crowd (neither you nor your self-esteem).

🔹 1.5-hour sessions full of learning and practical application.

🔹 Workbooks because we’re here to transform, not to chat aimlessly.
